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Asconi Agor Red Wine -750ml
The Agor Red Wine formerly the Kagor Red wine with the same great taste is produced from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. The wine is made by… -
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Declan Red wine – 75cl
Declan red Wine is an incredibly juicy, very fruity, and full-bodied white wine with a distinctively rich taste. It is an easy-drinking red wine, with… -
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Don Simon Seleccion Red Wine – 300 cl
Comes from Spain's largest brand. Brilliant ruby red in color, refreshing and elegant in taste, it has a luscious fruity aroma with a hint of… -
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El Sotillo Tinto Cosecha
The El Sotillo Tinto Cosecha is made from a blend of Tempranillo and Garnacha. Bright red hue in colour, with aromas of ripe cherry, strawberries,… -
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Four Cousins Natural Sweet Red Wine – 75cl
Four Cousins Natural Sweet Red Wine 75 cl red wine on Red wine goes well with red meat like beef and lamb. A glass… -
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Sweet Lips Red – 1Ltr
Sweet Lips is refreshing, inviting, tasty and seductive. A natural sweet red made from the finest quality grapes. Sophisticated, elegant and smooth – A kiss of… -
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Sweet Lips Red – 75cl
Sweetlips is a natural sweet red wine made from the finest quality grapes. Sophisticated elegant and smooth – A kiss of Sweet Red – nothing…